Memento Mori
Remember that you will die
So, what about 4160?
The average lifespan is 80 years, or 4,160 weeks
This is not a tragic thought, just a reminder that regardless of what you believe comes after, that we all have numbered days in this lifetime. The question truly is…..
How are you going to spend your time?
N.E.T. time is the idea of No Extra Time. I was introduced to this thought by Tony Robbins. So much of my day is predetermined by responsibilities that sometimes I felt as if there wasn’t any time left for me. The idea that I could couple pieces of my day, or a portion of my 4,160, to indulge my curiosity, sent me down a rabbit hole.
Don’t get me wrong
The intention behind this isn’t to live every moment in a frenzy, but to couple moments that would be occupied with a responsibility with something else. An idea that’s also known as Temptation Bundling.
Temptation Bundling: Pairing a pleasurable indulgence with a behavior that provides delayed rewards
What does this all mean? This means that I have created certain habits, or rituals to help combine activities. So I can serve my wants and my needs. Otherwise known as – I can have my cake and eat it too.
For example…
- I only let myself watch silly tv shows when I am on the elliptical
- Listen to podcasts or audio books during my commute
- One gummy bear after I’ve read a certain number of pages
- A glass of wine while I’m preparing dinner.
When can you find time during your day to indulge your curiosity? To make a task you’re not looking forward to seem less mundane? I’d love to hear your thoughts!!